My name is Kirstin Leigh and I’m the founder of The Change Your Story Workshop. I know from experience that changing your story (even considering it!) is hard stuff. But so is not changing it. Eleven years ago, I was drinking 20 beers a day. And no one even knew. But it was getting harder and harder to pretend that "everything was fine." I almost died 3 times from alcohol poisoning. Worse than that were the 300+ other days a year that I wasn't really living. I "knew" I could stop drinking, but what I didn't know is if I could deal with all of the reasons I was drinking in the first place!
With God—and a lot of hard work, I changed my story. But saying good-bye to alcohol was not the biggest change I made. The biggest change I made was in my "thinking" and learning to not let feelings be the boss of my life. Whether it's breaking free from a bad habit, a life controlling issue or a faulty mindset, we have to Deal to Heal, so whether it's through Personal Coaching, or The Change Your Story Workshop... that is what it's all about.